Wednesday 22 July 2015

SWIFT 2015 - Writers' Group Guidelines

Guidelines for Writers’ Groups  - SWIFT 2015

·      The group should be a safe space underpinned with respect
·      Gatherings should be structured and the time available shared fairly across all contributions
·      Everyone contributes and should arrive prepared for the group
·      The groups should be no more than 5 or 6 participants
·      Ideally there should be some diversity in the group
·      Everyone listens attentively
·      Author identifies where the work is in terms of stage of writing
·      ‘Fresh’ work is treated as delicate and only specific positive feedback is allowed
·      Author could identify if they want specific feedback on a certain aspect of the work
·      Feedback provided most frequently as suggestions or questions about the work e.g. ‘I’m wondering about …’
·      Feedback provided as reader response
·      Acknowledge that the author might have some questions about the work that could be addressed
·      No apologies from writer
·      Two stars and a wish
·      Those responding to writing should consider their comments in terms of ‘would I want to hear that feedback’
·      Critiquing technical aspects of the writing may be appropriate at certain stages of the work
·      Writer should accept feedback graciously and may only need to say ‘Thank you’ to certain comments (as opposed to engaging with them)
·      The group is not a place to come for therapy
·      At times, members of the group might read each other’s work aloud to the group
·      Written feedback might be provided by the group on occasion.

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